1. Declaration​
1.1 I declare that:
(a) I have held a valid Taxi Driver identity card for a minimum of 3 months and have completed a minimum of 20 shifts as a Taxi Driver.
(b) I have provided a letter from my Taxi Service provider confirming my tenure and a copy of my complaint history.
(c) I have read, understood, and will uphold the NSW Taxi Council’s Taxi Driver Code of Conduct
(d) Once Accredited, I will uphold the standards expected of a Taxi ​​​Driver Ambassador as outlined in the training program.
2. Accuracy of Application
2. 1 I understand that:
​(a) Once I have made payment for the Taxi Driver Ambassador Program, there is a no refund policy.
(b) The information provided by me in this Application are, to the best of my knowledge, true, correct, complete and accurate in respect to every detail.
(c) the NSW Taxi Council is relying on the representations made in this declaration and the answers given in my application; and
(d) if I have breached this declaration and/or given any answers to questions in my application which are not true, correct, complete or accurate in respect to every detail, my Application may be rejected. Other consequences may follow.
3. Disclosure
3. 1 I consent to the disclosure of my personal information in order for the NSW Taxi Council to verify any detail I have given in this Application including:
(a) A check and release of the details of my complaint’s history kept by any Service Provider or the Point-to-Point Transport Commission.
(b) A check and release of any other information relevant to my application or necessary to locate persons or entities to whom the information relates.
3.2 I understand that the purpose for the checks referred to above is to assist the NSW Taxi Council to be satisfied that I am able to meet the criteria to be accredited.​​
4. Fee Payment
4.1 I agree that the fee paid to the NSW Taxi Council for access to the Taxi Driver Ambassador Program is non-refundable.
5. Breaches and Misconduct
5.1 I understand that my Taxi Driver Ambassador Program Accreditation may be removed under the following circumstances:
​(a) I am found to have breached the standards of the program; or
(b) I am found to have breached the NSW Taxi Council Taxi Driver Code of conduct; or
(c) I am found guilty of any regulations under the Point to Point Transport Act or other laws in NSW that may be deemed as serious misconduct or
(d) I have acted in a manner that may bring Taxi Industry, NSW Taxi Council, Taxi Driver Ambassador Program, or my Taxi Service Provider into disrepute, or (e) I have been found to have breached any terms under this declaration.
5.2 If my Accreditation is removed, I agree to:
(a) Return my Certificate of Accreditation
(b) Return my Id card if issued by the NSW Taxi Council
(c) Remove any signage, logo, livery, or decals associated with the Taxi Driver Ambassador program from any vehicles I driver or operate.
(d) Not say, do or act in anyway which may harm or bring the NSW Taxi Driver Ambassador Program into disrepute.
6. Copyright
6.1 I acknowledge that the Taxi Driver Ambassador Program, all material, promotional items, and any information/data obtained by the NSW Taxi Council remains the property of the NSW Taxi Council and will be treated in accordance with the Privacy Act and other laws in NSW and Australia.
7. Agreement
7.1 I agree that the terms of this declaration have been read and fully understood by me.