Follow these simple steps to enroll:
1️⃣ Letter of Endorsement and Complaint History
📢 Important: Before registering, you will need a letter from your Taxi Network endorsing your application. The letter must be on your Network's letterhead and include a copy of your complaint history. Once you have the letter, please email a copy to ambassador@nswtaxi.org.au
2️⃣ Access the Learning Platform
Before you start, please make sure to read the steps below on how to complete your registration.
3️⃣ Register Your Account
Once you are ready, please click the "START THE ONLINE REGISTRATION" button at the bottom.
You will then be directed to the Registration Page. Complete the form.
Select your Member Network. If your Network isn’t listed select – “OtherNetwork” from the list.
Input your First Name and Last Name.
Click Next.
4️⃣ Create Your Account
Enter your Phone Number.
Enter your Email Address as Username.
Input your Taxi ID Driver Number.
Set a Password.
Check the boxes for the Taxi Driver Code of Conduct and Driver Declaration once you have read and understood these.
5️⃣ Activate Your Account
Check your email for a confirmation message.
Click "Activate Your Account" in the email.
Once activated, refresh the page and wait till Taxi Council admin approves your application. Note: This can take up to 1 working day and will only be considered if you have sent your Network’s endorsement letter.
6️⃣ After Approval
Once approved, click on the SHOP tab at the top of the page.
Click on BUY COURSE button on the Taxi Driver Ambassador Course panel.
Click on Blue Price Promo button on the Right-Hand side.
Enter your payment details and click PAY.
Once payment is approved, you’re ready to start. 🚖
Click on the button below to start your registration.