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Industry committees are groups of NSW Taxi Industry Stakeholders and NSW Taxi Council member Taxi Service Providers from Sydney & Urban Areas as well as Regional NSW. The aim is to identify and resolve significant issues that affect the NSW Taxi Industry, such as regulations, licensing, fares, technology, passenger service experience and disability access and inclusion.


Industry Committees provide valuable assistance to the NSW Taxi Council on industry advancements and advocacy for policies that promote the growth and sustainability of Taxis in NSW.





The Metro Committee is a group of NSW Taxi Council Member Taxi Service Providers from the Sydney & Urban Areas. The purpose of the committee is to meet monthly to discuss issues, prioritise and decide key focus areas for the NSW Taxi Council


The CTOA Committee is a representative group of Delegates who are representing Members within their respective regions, including Taxi Service Providers, Owners, Operators and Drivers from the Five regions which make up Country NSW- Southern; South Western; Northern; North Western and Western.


The DRG comprises of representatives from Disability groups representing people with a disability across NSW & Australia, including Wheelchair Accessible Taxi (WAT) passengers. The DRG also includes Taxi Service Providers in NSW.

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(02) 8339 4644

11/85 Bourke Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015, Australia


PO Box 1249, Darlinghurst NSW 1300

©2021 by NSW Taxi Council. Proudly created with Wix and owned by the NSW Taxi Council

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